Beta Business Days 2023
Are you not sure which career path you want to follow? Or are you curious what companies are out there for your field of study? Then you should come to the Beta Business Days, a two-day...
Board Oxygen - The Fifth Board of Atmos
Dear members, As of yesterday, at the transfer GMM, we are officially the Fifth Board of Atmos! From left to right on the picture, we have now taken on the following positions on the Board:...
Rachel Carson Thesis Award
Dear EES MSc students, Did you address a sustainable or environmental topic in your master thesis or graduation project? Join the competition for the Rachel Carson Thesis Award and have a chance...
Atmos most Sustainable Association of Groningen!
We did it! We are happy to announce that Atmos has been titled the most sustainable association of Groningen 2019/2020! This award has been issued by the Green Office Groningen, and is based on...
Update with regard to corona virus
Dear members, Due to the situation with regard to the corona virus and the measurements taken by the university, we have decided to cancel the activities of Atmos until April 10th. If you have any...
Planting Trees for CO2 Sequestration and Biodiversity
At our Kick-Off event we celebrated the official launch of Atmos together with members, EES staff, and the Faculty of Science and Engineering. Instead of popping a bottle of champagne together we...
Atmos officially launched during Kick-Off!
Yesterday we celebrated the official launch of our study association during the Kick-Off event. We came together with members, friends, and staff from the University of Groningen. Together we...
Atmos signs the PET-Free Pledge!
Last week Atmos signed the PET-free pledge! Approximately 8 million tons of plastic waste end in our oceans each year, of which the majority comes from single-use plastics made from PET. To...
We are official!
Last week we signed the statutes, which means that we are now officially a study association. To celebrate our launch, membership will be free untill september, so sign up now!
Join the Atmos LinkedIn Group!
Join the exclusive Atmos LinkedIn group now and stay up to date on the latest job vacancies, internships, PhD positions and interesting articles!