
Sustainability is one of Atmos' most important missions, one way anyone as an individual can strife to be more sustainable is through their diet! We as Atmos aim to be as sustainable as possible in terms of food by aiming for all food and beverages served at activities from the association to be vegan, as is stated in our internal regulations!

On this webpage you can find the latest sustainable recipes that have been prepared for Atmos events or shared in the newsletter!

To find all recipes, follow this link to go to the blogs, where you can find all recipies under the tag "recipes"!

Latest recipes:


Open Office Hours: Pumpkin Soup

On November 4, the second open office hours of this academic year was held! For this occasion the board made pumpkin soup (partially from the leftovers of the pumpkin carving event!) to share with all members! Some was handed out to the members that came by for lunch at the boardroom, the rest was handed out at the Aletta Jacobshall to the first year students who had just finished their first exam! In this blog you can find the recipe for this pumpkin soup.

Open Office Hours: Focaccia Recipe

On September 30, the first open office hours of this academic year was held! For this occasion Saskia baked a foccacia to share with all members that came by the boardroom! In this blog you can find the recipe for this foccacia.



Green Friday: Apple Pastries

On November 24th, we celebrated Green Friday, a sustainable alternative to Black Friday! A number of Atmos members helped harvest the young trees which will be replanted somewhere else by other volunteers. In the break from harvesting trees, the members enjoyed some vegan apple pastries (appelflappen in Dutch) and hot chocolate! The recipe for these apple pastries can be found in this blog.

Sander's Dark Chocolate and Oreo Brownies

On the 18th of April 2023, we celebrated Atmos' 4th birthday! The Board made many vegan baked goods for the occassion. Since they were so popular, we wanted to share the recipes with you. All recipes are of course vegan. In this blog you can find the recipe for Sander's Dark Chocolate and Oreo brownies.

Sander's brownie