Meet the Seventh Board of Atmos! We, Board Water, are thrilled to be the 7th board of Atmos, and to represent the most abundant greenhouse gas, and the 7 seas we have chosen the name Board Water! We aim to help EES students navigate their studies and bring refreshment to the programme. We hope to maintain Atmos as a vital part of the EES programme and to quench students' thirst for knowledge. Just add water, and we are ready to dive into our roles and accept the tidal wave of work ahead of us. This board is the H2O of leadership: two parts passion, one part organisation, coming together to form something vital!
Atmos Board 2024 - 2025
Martijn Goudberg | Chair and Commissioner of External Affairs |
Ellis De Wit | Secretary, Commissioner of External Affairs and Vice-Chair |
Roel Snijders | Treasurer and Sustainability Officer |
Luisa Krimizis Gonzalez | Commissioner of Internal Affairs |
Saskia Moana Paulson Schlosser | Commissioner of Educational Affairs |

f.l.t.r. Roel, Ellis, Martijn, Luisa, Saskia