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5 years of Atmos

5 years of Atmos

This month Atmos celebrates its 5th birthday! In those five years a lot of members have contributed to the association via committees, joined numerous activities and met lots of new people. Four members have written what Atmos has meant for them and how they have experienced being a member of the study association!


Luke Corrigan

My name is Luke Corrigan, I am an Irish student and I came to Groningen in September of 2023 to study EES at the RUG. In the first week I joined Atmos and I have really enjoyed being a part of the association. The intro-camp with Atmos was especially fun and was a great way to get to know my course group early on, and to get to know the Atmos members, some of whom are second year in EES. Monthly drinks are a great outlet too, to relax and have some fun. So I'm looking forward to the Lustrum, to celebrate 5 years of Atmos.


Julia Hofma

When writing this, I realised that I've been an Atmos member for half of its existence! I became a member when I started EES (2021). In the first year of my master's, I was not really active because I was busy studying and working. I decided though, that I wanted a gap year and from a very absent member I turned into a very active member, a member of board Oxygen! In my experience, the EES masters is a nice and close group of people and I liked that during my board year I got to know my fellow students even better through all the time spent during activities and meetings. While organising events was sometimes stressful, I also had a lot of fun! The highlights of my Atmos time were the first ever Atmos intro camp and May camp, and of course also the Christmas dinners, gala and all other activities are moments to remember! I'm looking forward to seeing my graduated friends during the Lustrum events :)


Ewout Kessels

The ATMOS as a study association has provided me with opportunities I did not get in my bachelor studies; to bond closer with likeminded students, organise fun events in a committee, and work towards my future career. It is a smaller study association, but the people are all more tight-knit as a result.

The informational career events and the round table sessions made it much easier to work towards my interests. The non-educational bonding moments were amazing to boot; The introcamp with the shitty weather which had us huddle under a tent eating mediocre chili sin carne; Student energy organising enerbeers and the symposium; The May camp. I look back fondly at the past 1.5 years as a part of ATMOS, it has made life as a master student just so much better, and connected me with a network of wonderful people.


Reint van Klinken

On a farm 1.5 meters apart on a summer morning, that's where my adventure with Atmos started. It was also the start of my master's degree in a time of Corona, so everyone tried to provide a safe but also fun introduction in original ways and they succeeded! I got to know Atmos and my fellow students through fun games. The year that followed had the same character, a lot online, but they made the best of an unpleasant situation. For example, student energy and the social committee brought special beer to play online games together or give a guest lecture. I then also started a committee myself: the 5-year policy plan. That got the ball rolling: shouldn't I also do a board year at Atmos? After some deliberation with fellow students from MEMS, we eventually formed a group with which we dared to embark on that adventure.

My 2nd year was less online and we were able to do more fun activities. Learned a lot and the new first-years were also very enthusiastic to participate, all in all a wonderful time!


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