
Assignment 1: Geothermal installation above ground

Geothermal energy is the extraction of heat from the deep subsurface. To extract the heat from the earth, water is pumped up from the ground, which is often very polluted. A number of components are required above ground in order to be able to extract the heat from the dirty water and to use it usefully. Think of pumps, heat exchangers, filters, piping, etc. This assignment asks to make a design for this above-ground installation of a geothermal heat source. It is determined which components are required, the leading selection criteria are determined for each component, and the correct component is chosen. Finally, the entire above-ground system is modeled in a 3D model to determine the space requirement.


  • Mechanical Engineering;
  • Electrical engineering;
  • Geology;
  • Civil engineering.

Assignment 2: Selection tool for heat exchangers
A heat exchanger is used to exchange heat between two streams. Heat exchangers come in all shapes and sizes, the properties of the device are selected on the basis of environmental conditions, properties of the medium, available space, and so on.

Heat exchangers are used for a variety of applications within Witteveen+Bos' activities. In this assignment, a selection tool is developed to arrive at a suitable heat exchanger for a specific situation.

The range of heat exchanger types and the different situations in which they are used are determined. Important heat exchanger properties are calculated. This is streamlined into a tool to quickly and reliably arrive at an initial heat exchanger design. The tool is tested within the assignment by means of one or more case studies.


  • Mechanical engineering;
  • CMD (develop tool).

Assignment 3: Energy Audit modules

Based on the desire to reduce costs, gain insight into their own consumption or as a legal obligation, companies carry out an energy audit. This is often outsourced to an engineering firm, such as Witteveen+Bos. In an energy audit, the current consumption of a company is determined per energy consumer within the establishment. Subsequently, energy-saving measures are determined. The measures to be applied have been laid down by RVO. What has not been recorded is how the energy savings to be achieved are determined, and what the financial costs and benefits are. In practice it appears that this is often re-determined for each assignment. This can be done more efficiently and reliably by already calculating measures that often occur, and recording them in reusable 'modules', which can be applied when a new energy audit is started.


  • Mechanical Engineering;
  • Electrical engineering;
  • Architecture.