
5 years of Atmos

5 years of Atmos

5 years of Atmos This month Atmos celebrates its 5th birthday! In those five years a lot of members have contributed to the association...

Career Paths, Interview with Bert Kers

Career Paths, Interview with Bert Kers

  • Career

So just to start off the interview, what is your current occupation? “Yeah, so officially I am —“ “What do you call it?...

Atmos Year Kickoff: First Monthly Drink Sets the Tone for 2023

Atmos Year Kickoff: First Monthly Drink Sets the Tone for 2023

On Wednesday, September 20, 2023, the first monthly drink of the academic year took place. This event was organized by our Social...

The road to a Nature Sustainability publication

The road to a Nature Sustainability publication

Wondering how to go about your thesis? Or still orienting on what supervisor and what general topic to pick? That is how we all...

In the Spotlight: Naveen's first research project

In the Spotlight: Naveen's first research project

I still remember the day when I started my project. I was excited that I am intended to research about current international hydrogen...