News and Blogs

Open Office Hours: Focaccia Recipe

Open Office Hours: Focaccia Recipe

On September 30, the first open office hours of this academic year was held! For this occasion Saskia baked a foccacia to share with all...

Board Water - The Seventh Board of Atmos

Board Water - The Seventh Board of Atmos

  • News

Dear members,  As of yesterday, at the transfer GMM, we are officially the Seventh Board of Atmos! We have now taken on the following...

5 years of Atmos

5 years of Atmos

5 years of Atmos This month Atmos celebrates its 5th birthday! In those five years a lot of members have contributed to the association...

Green Friday: Apple Pastries

Green Friday: Apple Pastries

On November 24th, we celebrated Green Friday, a sustainable alternative to Black Friday! A number of Atmos members helped harvest the...

Career Paths, Interview with Bert Kers

Career Paths, Interview with Bert Kers

  • Career

So just to start off the interview, what is your current occupation? “Yeah, so officially I am —“ “What do you call it?...